travelahoy at flickr


thailand in numbers-2

meals in Thailand : 29
salads consumed : 6
instances breathless with chilly : 10, at the very least
kinds of fruit consumed : 2
bugs eaten : 2
sticky rice eaten : 1
beers consumed : 53 +/-
thai whisky consumed : 600ml


Emma Blowgun said...

Shakester: How was the Thai whisky?!

Anonymous said...

ah. it was, shall we say, robust.
There are a few kinds of whisky, but they are actually rum. Everyone calls it shisky all the time thought, incl the locals.
I had two kinds, both quite srong, neither messed up the body, so to speak.

i.e. powerful not fatal.

Anonymous said...

erm, thats whsisky not shisky. It would seem I am consuming at work, but thats not true. today.